It’s All About Jesus
Sunday Services 2:30pm
2010 S. Third St. W Missoula MT 59801
We invite you to join us on Sunday afternoons for a weekly worship service where we gather for the reading and the preaching of the Word of God with worship through song and prayer.
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The good news is that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior who loves us and has redeemed us by dying on a cross in our place for our sins. He has risen from death to life and is ruling and reigning from heaven. Jesus will return one day to take His people to be with Him for eternity.
Matthew 1:21; Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18–19; Galatians 3:13; Titus 2:11-14; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
We are devoted to learning about Jesus from His authoritative Word which is recorded for us in the Bible. We read, reflect and respond to God’s Word individually and are committed to the public reading and preaching of God's Word when we gather corporately.
Acts 2:42-47; 1 Timothy 4:13; Luke 24:27; 2 Timothy 4:1-2
The church is the gathering of God’s people. We are devoted to growing together in our relationships with one another. Together we strive to live out our faith in Jesus Christ while growing spiritually by the work of the Holy Spirit. We find strength in our shared commitment to Christ's teachings and encourage one another to love and good works. The good news of Jesus has changed our lives and that is where we find our unity.
Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:23-25
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 ESV
Join Us
We meet at Sovereign Hope Church’s facility
2010 S. Third St. W Missoula MT 59801
Service Time
Sunday @ 2:30pm
March 14-16, 2025
@ Camp Utmost - www.camputmost.org Cost: 18 and older - $50 Under 18 $25 Saturday only $25
Join us for our annual Men’s Advance, a weekend designed for the men and boys in our church to grow in the Word of God, enjoy fellowship, and make lasting memories. This year’s theme, Living Wisely: Lessons from the Book of Proverbs,will challenge and equip us to live with godly wisdom in every area of life. Along with engaging teaching, there will be fun activities, great food, and time to connect with others.
Can’t make the whole weekend? Join us for the day on Saturday!
Tuesday Nights
This coed group meets from 6:30-8pm. Josh Bernhart will be leading this small group Bible study. No Childcare. Contact the Bernharts for more info HERE
Wednesday Mornings Women’s Bible Study
This group meets at Sovereign Hope Church at 10am. Patty Iverson will be leading this group through a study called “Lord, teach Me To Study The Bible. The study will be in 1, 2, 3 John. Contact Patty for more info HERE
Wednesday Nights
This group meets from 6-8pm and begins with dinner. The study is led by Caleb Jenkins who will be going through biblical theology and using the book Everyone's a Theologian :An Introduction to Systematic Theology by R.C. Sproul. Contact Caleb for more info HERE
Thursday Mornings Men’s Bible Study
This group meets year round from 7-8am studying through the Bible and led by Steve Sweet and other men in the church. We meet at Sovereign Hope from 7-8am. Presently we are going through the Gospel of Mark. Contact Paul for more info HERE
Thursday Night Youth Group
This study is provided for middle school through High School students and is led by Caleb Jenkins and Chobe Flores. We meet at Sovereign Hope Church from 6:30-8pm on Thursday nights. Contact Caleb for more info HERE
Thursday Nights
This group meets from 6:30-8pm at Sovereign Hope and is led by Pastor Paul and Bob Schieder. This is a weekly Bible study on Christian Doctrine. Contact Paul for more info HERE
Friday Morning
This study is held Inside the Southgate Mall at the tables just outside of Hobby Lobby from 10-11am. This group is led by Tim Arthur and other men in the church. Contact Susan for more info HERE
The following are local evangelism and benevolence ministries we support both financially and through service.
Our vision is to fulfill God's promise "to set the lonely in families." We work toward this goal by mobilizing church communities to care for vulnerable children.
Redeemer presently gives financially as well as ministers to local families through Care Portal.
Care Portal: Via a simple email request, CarePortal provides entry-level opportunities to connect a network of caring people in churches to the vetted, physical needs of families in their community.
We believe that without the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, true freedom from bondage and sin can never fully be realized. In all our ministries, our interactions with individuals, families, partner organizations and our communities, we engaged in Incarnational Ministry as we walk alongside others.
Mission Statement:
By the grace of Jesus Christ, Hope Rescue Mission, through partnership and collaboration, serves, rescues, and transforms those in need.
Care Net of Missoula is a Christian, non-profit organization. We believe every person is worthy of receiving love, support, and holistic care that values the whole person (physical, emotional, intellectual, sexual, and spiritual). We are committed to providing information, physical and emotional support, and assistance to anyone experiencing an unexpected pregnancy or sexual health issue. We offer these services free of charge to anyone, regardless of personal history or beliefs.
Tim Arthur
Joel Beaudin
Roberto (Chobe) Flores
Levi Jenkins
Paul Taylor
Roberto (Chobe) Flores
Youth Ministry
Patty Iverson
Caleb Jenkins
Youth Ministry
Amy McKethen
Office Administrator
Paul Taylor
Katrina Welch
Children’s Ministry
To give online you can give HERE or download
Church Center App:
Google Play or Apple App Store
To give in person on Sundays before or after the service use the giving boxes at the church facility we are meeting at.
Checks can be mailed to Redeemer Bible Church
PO Box 3116 Missoula MT 59806